Importing members to QuickBooks Desktop requires 2 steps: Exporting a report within SilkStart and matching the export with the QuickBooks importer.
Exporting Members
1. Go to your admin dashboard, then navigate to >Manage >Manage Reports >Create Report. Under Membership select Member Mailing Address.
2. Drag and drop fields in and out so that your report headers looks like this:

3. Select the Create button so that the report is saved
4. Navigate back to your saved reports (
5. Access the report you have just created. Once accessed, hit Download CSV
Import to QuickBooks
6. Open up QuickBooks Desktop. Go to >File >Import >Contacts
8. Copy over the values in each column. Match each column as displayed:
9. Note that there is no field in SilkStart for Middle Initial or Fax so you can ignore these columns
10. Set Role to customer for each contact.
11. Navigate to the gear in the lower left of the import window and select “Import All”. Alternatively, you can manually go through and select each contact you would like to import by checking the boxes on their record
For more information on importing contacts to QuickBooks, please go to the QuickBooks Help Center.
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