SilkStart uses industry-standard security technology to keep your information safe and secure.
All customer sites are deployed with SSL certificates, physically-secure servers, and encrypted
file storage.
Data Backups
SilkStart databases are backed up nightly and encrypted with Amazon S3 using AES 256 bit encryption. Data is secured during transit using SSL/TLS. In the very rare event that there is an issue, your data can be easily recovered.
In addition, we use New Relic and AWS CloudWatch as our internal monitoring tool to report on
abnormal behaviour at the system level. Alerts are escalated immediately to our development
Member Data
Member data is secure and inaccessible to regular users. Administrative backend accounts require a username and password, and can only be managed by an administrator with account creation
rights. Member and administrator passwords are not stored in the database, but are "hashed" using common encryption techniques (SHA1 or MD5). Only hashed versions of passwords are stored - they cannot be decrypted.
If you have administrative access on your website and would like to export a hard copy of your member data, you can do so using the Reports tool.
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