At SilkStart, we do our best to ensure that the system is working as efficiently as possible for you and your members. If you find something isn't quite right, please submit a request with as much information as you can about how to replicate the problem you're experiencing. We'll investigate the bug to confirm, offer any workarounds that exist, and escalate to our development team appropriately.
What is a "bug"?
We define a "bug" as an aspect of the software that is not performing as advertised.
How do I submit a bug report?
Please contact us with as much information as you can about how to replicate the problem you're experiencing. We'll work with you to confirm the issue, and offer any feasible workarounds or ways in which we can help you achieve your goal in a timely manner.
How long does it take to fix a bug?
Once we've confirmed the existence of a bug in the software, the urgency with which it is escalated to our development team will depend on the severity.
Critical Bugs
If a bug is critical (application down or major malfunction causing association revenue loss or admins unable to perform their normal functions) we'll expedite the fix into a maintenance release, provided that:
- The fix is technically feasible
- It doesn't further degrade the quality or integrity of the software
Non-Critical Bugs
For non-critical bugs, we prioritize it according to these factors:
- Whether there is a suitable workaround
- How difficult the issue is to fix
- How much of an impact the issue is causing
- How much development capacity we have at a given time
- Whether new features in the works will render the issue obsolete
How long does it take to fix a bug?
Critical bugs are expedited to the top of our development queue in order to be fixed as soon as possible. Depending on the severity, a critical bug fix could be released on the same day that it was reported.
Non-critical bugs are typically triaged once per week, and depending on the outcome, may be assigned to an individual developer for resolution. Please note that with many non-critical bugs, we are unable to guarantee completion or timelines. If you have questions about the issue you reported, simply let us know!
Does SilkStart test the bug fix prior to releasing it?
Yes! Each bug fix passes through both manual and automatic quality assurance and performance tests. A bug fix must be fully approved by our Quality Assurance team before it is released.
How will I know when the bug is fixed?
Our support team is equipped with tools that let us notify you as soon as we've reached a resolution. We'll follow up through our existing conversation with you where the bug was first brought to our attention. Feel free to follow-up at any point if you have questions, or would like an update.
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