What is Worldline (previously Bambora)?
Worldline is a popular payment processing tool that provides services to merchants across North America.
How do I receive payments to my Worldline account?
- You must have a Worldline account and a Premium SilkStart account up in order to connect with SilkStart. To create an account, visit https://worldline.com/.
- Log in to your Worldline merchant tools and your SilkStart website and go to Settings > Payment Settings > Beanstream.
- Click on Administration > Account Settings > Order Settings.
- Under the Payment Gateway section, find Security/Authentication and click Generate New Passcode. Copy the API Access Passcode you receive to the Payment Gateway Passcode field in SilkStart (by going to Settings > Payment Settings > Beanstream).
- Under the Recurring Billing section, click Generate New Passcode. Copy the API Access Passcode you receive to the Recurring Billing Passcode field in SilkStart.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Update'.
- Click on Configuration > Payment Profile Configuration (if this option is not visible you will need to get in touch with your Worldline representative to have Payment Profiles enabled).
- Under the Security Settings section, click Generate New Passcode. Copy the API Access Passcode you receive to the Payment Profile Passcode field.
- Under the Credit Card Settings section, uncheck "Do not allow profile to be created with card data duplicated from an existing profile"
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Update'.
- Save the Gateway in SilkStart and make sure that testing is successful (on the testing tab).
- From the SilkStart admin panel, check Settings > Payment Settings > Options to confirm that Pay Online has been turned on for each type of transaction.
Users will now be able to complete transactions through your SilkStart site. Funds will be transferred from the purchaser's credit card to your Worldline account. Once the transaction clears, the funds are deposited to your bank account. It may take a few days for your bank to make these funds available to you.
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