Can I charge tax on event tickets?
Yes, you can! SilkStart allows you to charge tax on ticket prices using the Ticketed and Conference event types.
- Create a new event, or navigate to the event that you want to add tax to. If you're updating an existing event, click on "Edit" to access the editing view.
- Scroll down to section 3 - "Tickets for Event".
- At the bottom of the ticket grid, on the right side, you'll see an option to add tax to to the event. First, uncheck the box for "No Tax". Then you'll be able to set a tax rate for the event.
- Save your changes. If you're creating a new event, you may have to complete other fields first.
Can I charge a separate tax rate on each ticket?
No, at this time you can only charge a single tax rate for all tickets to your event.
Can I charge a standard tax rate on all events?
No, each event must have a tax rate set separately.
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